Did you know that because of Oregon State Campaign laws that non-profit organizations cannot officially endorse candidates? Laura is the Arts & Culture candidate, yet her support is largely going unrecognized because of this. She is supported whole heartedly by the arts and culture organizations, small business owners, educators, and community advocates that she has been connected to for over 20 years. Laura is grateful for the individual folx who have endorsed her.

  • Moms Against Gun Violence Distinction ( they do not endorse) 

  • LaQuisha Minnieweather, MomBlox/community activist/KidzOutside

  • Tim Alameda, co-owner of Kalesa Coffee - Filipino owned coffeeshop

  • Keanu Banyat, co-owner of Kalesa Coffee - Filipino owned coffeeshop

  • Paul Reiter, owner of Great Notion Brewing

  • Jessica Fletcher, parent, Safe Routes to School advocate

  • Nate Query, musician in the Decemberists

  • Leah Kohlenberg, President of Portland Open Studios, LK Gallery, owner

  • Beth Cavanaugh, Education and school foundation advocate

  • Mario Mesquita, Arts advocate and artist 

  • Melenie Hammond, PPS educator

  • Cynthia Plank, Award Winning Music Educator and band director at PPS Beaumont Middle School

  • Deborah Nicholson,  retired PPS teacher and climate specialist

  • Doug Sammons, retired PPS teacher, local musician, arts advocate

  • Robin Rolfe, 2018 Portland Council PTA Teacher of the Year, PPS librarian 

  • Renato Parada, PPS Dual Language Immersion teacher and librarian

  • Cole Reed, Artist, designer, community advocate and business owner of OpenHaus

  • Kathy Hannan, Retired union organizer, worked with Cesar Chavez among other organizers, first and only woman president of her union in AZ.

  • Abby Seemann, retired special education teacher, local musician

  • Shannon McGlothin, award-winning ad executive, artist  

  • Neal Spinler, individual personal endorsement, Executive Director of BRAVO youth orchestras, arts advocate

  • Meara McLaughlin, individual personal endorsement, Executive Director of Music Portland, arts advocate

  • Leah Mocsy, individual personal endorsement, Executive Director, Alberta Abbey

  • Andra Vlatin, City Council District 4 Candidate

  • Kevin Fitts, individual personal endorsement, longtime mental health advocate, former candidate for D1 Multnomah County Commission